Sunday, January 1, 2017


This site is set out in categories with chapters (in alphabetical order) under each chapter. Supplemental material is posted in the way of videos and articles. Most of the supplemental material is linked from the individual chapters. Please let me know by making a comment if any of the supplemental materials are no longer available.

Section 1: Beginnings
Who I Am?
Critical Thinking: How can I tell the difference between good research and garbage?
Safety First
Section 1: BEGINNINGS: Overview
Chapter 1: Adoption
Chapter 2: Association vs Isolation
Chapter 3: Boundaries and Expectations
Chapter 3: Boundaries and Expections: Curfews
Chapter 4: Brain Development
Chapter 5: Child Care
Chapter 6: Consistency in Parenting
Chapter 7: Creativity and Parenting
Chapter 8: Parenting and Culture
Chapter 9: Curiosity and Exploration
Chapter 10: Depression and Parenting
Chapter 11: Early Years - Child Development
Chapter 12: Family Councils/Meetings
Chapter 13: Fatherhood 
Chapter  14:  Friendship
Chapter 15: The Importance of: Fun and Play
Chapter 16: Gardens/Plants, and Children
Chapter 17: Happiness and Joy (Children and Family)
Chapter 18: Health: Prenatal, Child, Family
Chapter 19: Holidays and Traditions: A Pile of Junk do not Great Memories Make
Chapter 20: Hugs and other good touch
Chapter 21: Meal Time
Chapter 22: Medical
Chapter 23: Mental Health: Prenatal, Child, Family
Chapter 24: Motherhood
Chapter 25: Names, What’s in a Name
Chapter 26: Natural Learning Environments
Chapter 27: Nutrition: Prnatal, Child, Family
Chapter 28: Parental Education
Chapter 29: Parents - Marriage
Chapter 30: Parents Agree, When Parent’s Agree
Chapter 30b: Grandparents
Chapter 31: Pets
Chapter 32: The Power of “Yes”
Chapter 33: Quality vs. Quantity
Chapter 34: Reading
Chapter 35: Religion
Chapter 36: Resources
Chapter 37: Sleep: During pregnancy, For Child, For Family
Chapter 38: Spanking
Chapter 39: Speech
Chapter 40: Stability: Prenatal, Child, Family
Chapter 42: Support
Chapter 43: Tobacco, Drugs, and Alcohol
Chapter 44: Typical Development
Section 2: TEACHING/EDUCATION A few of the things you need to teach your children: Overview.
Chapter 1: Academic
Chapter 2: Accountability
Chapter 3: Art and Music
Chapter 4: Cars
Chapter 5: Children as Reflection
Chapter 6: The Classics
Chapter 7: Citizenship
Chapter 8: Common Courtesy
Chapter 9: Communication/Speech
Chapter 10: Dating
Chapter 11: Empowerment
Chapter 12: Forgiveness
Chapter 13: Funny Now? Is it Funny Now? Will it be Funny When?
Chapter 14: Goals, Setting and Achieving
Chapter 15: Good Touch/Bad Touch
Chapter 16: Honesty
Chapter 17: Internet
Chapter 18: Jewelry
Chapter 19: Leadership
Chapter 20: Love/Relationships
Chapter 21: Makeup
Chapter 22: Reading
Chapter 23: Religion
Chapter 24: Respect/Reverence
Chapter 25: Self-Efficacy (Is Self-Esteem Overrated?)
Chapter 26: Self-Respect (Not Self-Indulgence)
Chapter 27: Service
Chapter 28: Sex and Morality
Chapter 29: Stress Management and Reduction
Chapter 30: Telephones
Chapter 31: Work
Chapter 32: Violence
Section 3: RELATIONSHIPS: Overview
Chapter 1: Apologize
Chapter 2: Carefrontation Sandwich
Chapter 3: Celebrate Success
Chapter 4: Cherish, Value, and Honor
Chapter 5: Communication
Chapter 6: Consistency, Continuity, Dependability
Chapter 7: Evaluate - Feedback
Chapter 8: Fail forward
Chapter 9: Flexibility: Be flexible
Chapter 10: Fun
Chapter 11: Gratitude
Chapter 12: Humor
Chapter 13: Let Go, Forgive
Chapter 14: Love
Chapter 15: Motivate
Chapter 16: Purpose
Chapter 17: Respect/Reverence
Chapter 18: Self-Reliance
Chapter 19: Service
Chapter 20: Stick with it...Persevere. Work
Chapter 21: Take Responsibility, Give Credit
Chapter 22: Time
Chapter 23: Work
Section 4: RESILIENCE: Overview
Chapter 1: Resources and Assets
Chapter 2: Assets vs. Deficits
Chapter 3: Protective Factors vs. Risk Factors
Section 5: BEHAVIOR: Overview
Chapter 1: Behaviorism
Chapter 2: Active Children
Chapter 3: Activity
Chapter 4: Anger
Chapte 5: Biting
Chapter 6: Carefrontation
Chapter 7: Choices (3)
Chapter 8: Consistency
Chapter 9: Corporal Punishment (Spanking)
Chapter 10: Decisions Determine Destiny
Chapter 11: Eating
Chapter 12: Environment
Chapter 13: Eye contact
Chapter 14: Facial expression
Chapter 15: First Comply Then Ask Why
Chapter 16: Focus: What we focus on Increases
Chapter 17: General Concepts
Chapter 18: Health
Chapter 19: Intervention
Chapter 20: Listening, Look like you're listening and really listen.  Listen more than talk.
Chapter 21: Love vs. Fear
Chapter 22: Lying
Chapter 23: Manipulation
Chapter 24: Names: Sometimes the most beautiful, and sometimes the most awful word.
Chapter 25: Natural, Logical Consequences
Chapter 26: Nature Abhors a Vacuum: What does your child REALLY want?
Chapter 27: Nevertheless (A magic parenting word)
Chapter 28: Parent or Friend: much of the time you can be both; but when a choice has to be made, you're job is to be a parent.
Chapter 29: Positioning: allowing escape or containing
Chapter 30: Praise
Chapter 31: Problem solving
Chapter 32: Punishment
Chapter 33: Put Downs and Degradation: 0 tolerance from anyone, even in humor or jest.
Chapter 34: Redirection, Diversion, Distraction
Chapter 35: Relaxed vs aggressive or authoritative
Chapter 36: Reinforcement: Natural Reinforcement and Natural Consequences: Parenting that Lasts
Chapter 37: Responsibility vs blame
Chapter 38: Secondary Gain
Chapter 39: Setting Events
Chapter 40: Setting Limits
Chapter 41: Side or cross dialogue
Chapter 42: Sleep
Chapter 43: Space
Chapter 44: Stance and Positioning
Chapter 45: Stress
Chapter 46: Talking to vs. Talking about Pros and Cons
Chaper 47: Tantrums
Chapter 48: Transitions
Chapter 49: Tone, Cadence, Breath and Speed
Chapter 1: Addictions
Chapter 2: Attachment Disorders
Chapter 3: Attention Deficit (Hyperactive) Disorder
Chapter 4: Autism/Aspergers Syndrome
Chapter 4a:  What is Autism? Why is it on the rise? What can we do about it?
Chapter 5: Crying: What to do about a crying infant/babyChapter 6: Depression
Chapter 7: Downs Syndrome
Chapter 8: Eating Disorders
Chapter 9: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Chapter 10: Hiding
Chapter 11: Nightmares
Chapter 12: Other syndroms and disorders
Bonus Section: Free Samples, Free Stuff, for Parents, Kids, and Teens. Links to hundreds of freebies for the family on the Internet.

Joint Attention, Parenting and Treatment a free PowerPoint

1 comment:

german for children said...

You’ve made some very astute observations and I am thankful for the the effort you have put into your writing. Its clear that you know what you are talking about. I am looking forward to reading more of your sites content.