Video Games Desensitize to Real Violence | Psych Central News: New research has found exposure to violent video games can desensitize individuals to real-life violence. According to the investigators, this is first documented finding that video-games can alter physiological responses typically aroused by real violence
I think it makes so much sense that violent video games have a desenitizing effect on people to cause real life violence. You live what you learn. There seems to be so much more violence at the hands of younger people, even kids.
I think that when kids play violent video games it takes away from true violence that happens in the real world ... When they are faces with a tragedy they don't feel as they should it doesn't phase them the same way because they are used to seeing violence in the video games they have been playing.
I think that violence can play a part in a child's life because they see it. I believe that it shows them violence is okay and that if if was happening around them that they would think its normal
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